Looking for a sneak peek into a Morning Movement Adventures session?

Play with me in this 5 minute video and get a feel for yourself. Remember, the goal is not to feel like you have to do everything exactly like me. If being on your hands and knees on the floor doesn't work for you right now- you can play with similar ideas on a wall or around a sofa. Explore and see what you find that feels good or interesting to YOU. That's all that matters!

Have a favorite song ready to play and join along...

I'm Ready, Let's Go!

Morning Movement Adventures with Zoe Levine

Join us for this month long journey in community, using play, dance, and guided exploration as another way to learn about your body, foster a new relationship with "exercise", get unstuck, enhance creativity, gain more confidence, move more, feel truly alive, or just plain put yourself first for a change.

By the end of this month long experience you will…

Have a new inspired habit of feeding your soul first thing… before the weight of the “have to’s” kicks in.

You’ll have 20+ new ideas about movement possibilities most of which you had either forgotten, or perhaps never realized existed until now.

You’ll start looking at life more like a kid on a playground!

Perhaps you’ll lose your “all or nothing” approach to exercise.

You’ll have a new way of truly listening to your body/mind/spirit and knowing what it needs. (and it will feel less impossible to get what you need!)

You’ll feel more free and powerful in your body, more confident in your movement, and more clear in your mind.

You’ll see the clear and easy path out of all the boxes and cages we exist in everyday and start the process of rewilding yourself and getting unstuck.

You’ll discover ways of moving that truly suit YOU…

Even if you are working your way back from pain and injury.

I used these tools to crawl back from the dead of chemotherapy week after week AND more recently used them while healing from a severely sprained ankle.

This is about enjoying what you CAN do right now and inviting things back as they are ready. No rush.

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Membership Includes:

  • Daily guided movement sessions live via Zoom 6:40am MST (8:40 EST) - Jan 24 - Feb 21 M-F

  • A membership site that will house all of our videos, so you can keep coming back to them as you like (and includes 60 days of access)

  • Access to our private WhatsApp Group to keep you motivated and connected with fellow adventurers. 

  • A shared Spotify playlist that you can either play music from directly, or find the music on your own.

Need more details? Head HERE.

Let's do this, together!

30 days of support and exploration to rewire you relationship with your body and "exercise", and bring some play back into your life.

I'm in, let's go!