ALIGN: The Alignment & Movement Makeover
Online Independent Study Course
Welcome to the heart centered, science based, whole body
alignment and movement makeover journey!
This is the ultimate guide to truly evolving and transforming your body over time,
through Restorative Exercise, whole body alignment, experiential anatomy, shifting habits, and changing your environment.
It's a WHOLE BODY and WHOLE LIFE approach to change that sticks.
It's "How to Thrive in a Human Body" 101.
It's a deep foundation for whole body knowledge that I wish EVERYONE knew!
And now it's all online ready for you on your time.

Just imagine:
You feel connected, strong, and even powerful in your own skin.
Your body is no longer something that gets in your way. It is a new found ally that is ready to help you experience life to the fullest.
You feel more energized, embodied, and fully present.
You have a new relationship with movement that’s more of a “want to” or built in rather than a “have to”.
You have a clear understanding of what YOUR body needs and how to best fit that in to YOUR life.
The Alignment & Movement Makeover program is all about finding a new and better way to exist in your body… all the time - not just on the mat.
I’ve had success over the years, working with PTs and personal trainers, focusing on targeted areas….but those rather “ended” when the issue was resolved. ALIGN is the “complete package” as it incorporates all body structures and functions, core work, breath and alignment which one can carry with them throughout the day.
- Kathy K. ALIGN 2021 participant

In this online course you will--
Learn your unique pain and tension patterns, what daily habits might be causing them, AND how to unravel and release them.
Rebuild your movement practice from scratch to reduce pain and wear and tear, and improve performance.
Learn how to uncover your body’s effortless and easeful alignment and get back to stacking your bones.
Stop just putting a bandaid on all the parts, and rebuild the whole thing from the ground up and from the inside out.
Find space IN your body and FOR your body through the busy and overwhelm of daily life.
Gain the confidence you need to be the expert of your own body, care for it well, and navigate many different movement modalities.
Before ALIGN, I felt like my back pain would never fully go away. Now I feel like I have a path towards more optimal functioning and less (hopefully, no) pain. Before ALIGN I thought posture was just about rolling my shoulders back, now I feel it more three dimensionally and can understand how to relieve or understand pain when I have it. Before ALIGN, I felt stuck—there were ways of using my body that I just gave up because of pain (floor sitting, running). I felt middle aged and that this was the beginning of the end. Now, I feel equipped to ease into movements I had avoided, and regain functionality.
- Barbara P, ALIGN Student

Who is this program for?
You've been feeling disconnected, stuck, or limited in your movements.
Your current routine or program is missing something or leaving you hurting more than feeling good.
You are looking to rebuild and reconnect to your core and pelvic floor.
You are looking for a deeper understanding of your own body.
- You feel your posture is “off” or it always feels like “work” to sit up or stand up straight.
- Your body has been through surgery, birth, menopause, cancer treatment, or another major transition, and it just hasn’t felt the same since.
- You are very aware of years of stress accumulating in your body, and you are starting to feel the effects of aging.
- Pain or limited mobility keeps getting in the way of your favorite movement adventures.
- You are feeling the common aches, pains, and stiffness of the "office body".

How can movement transform your body?
You are how you move! If you can change the way you move (your habits and environment), you can change the shape and feel of your body and change the wear and tear of your joints.
Restorative Exercise then becomes the missing link that helps your new way of moving seep into your everyday life. If you want your body to make real changes, you have to look at what it is doing all day every day- not just the one hour you are “practicing” or exercising.
This is where the real magic happens!
Before ALIGN, I felt overwhelmed - that what I did to alleviate back pain was just a bandaid. Now, I understand how small actions can accumulate into large progress, and in just 8 weeks I’ve seen major changes in my ability to better align and move my body by incorporating many small things into my day.- Barbara P ALIGN Student

Alignment & Movement Makeover (ALIGN) ONLINE Course Includes
10 Video Modules, one dropped to your personal membership site each week.
Each module contains 1-4 videos 5-15min each. Each will focus on one area of the body and take you through basic anatomy, assessment, alignment principles, ideal function, habits, and environment.
- Printables and cheat sheets to help you track progress and remember key points
Mini movement class recordings to practice what you are learning
1 month subscription to The Thriving Body On Demand Library (to use after you "graduate" from the program)
- Easy access to your classroom via desktop computer or Kajabi app
- discounts on private sessions
- lifetime access / start anytime
I knew that ALIGN would be a great guide to moving in more efficient ways. I was looking for the reinforcement of what I was already learning with Zoe. What I actually found was so much more. We started with the pelvis which was my main issue and so right off the bat I was able to create much more space and ease of movement in that region. The result was that the vertebrae that had been out of alignment in my mid-back had room to find its correct alignment and my entire back moved better than it did in more pain or discomfort in my body.
-Teri L.

Each module includes--
experiential anatomy
restorative exercises (stretch, release, strengthen)
an easy everyday movement habit
a playful way to explore the ideas and make them YOURS
Course Outline
Module 1 - Introduction, Basic Alignment, and Movement Vitamins
Module 2 - Assessments
Module 3 - Foundations: Breath and Feet
Module 4 - Unlocking Your Pelvis
Module 5 - First Steps to Happier Shoulders
Module 6 - Unraveling the Spine (and Ribs)
Module 7 - Your Deep Core (and Diaphragm)
Module 8 - New Connections: Pelvis and Feet
Module 9 - New Connections: Shoulders, Hands, and Neck
Module 10 - Putting It All Together: What's Next?

The original ALIGN program was $345 for 12 weeks.
I'm excited to be able to offer this new self-guided fully online version for just $150
NEW: The ALIGN Private Program
Looking for some additional support as you navigate your way through the ALIGN Online Course?
Sign up for the new ALIGN Private Program to receive 6 private sessions with Zoe Levine as you navigate your way through this amazing program!
Ready to get started?
Alignment & Movement Makeover (ALIGN) ONLINE Course Includes
10 Video Modules, one dropped to your personal membership site each week.
Each module contains 1-4 videos 5-15min each. Each will focus on one area of the body and take you through basic anatomy, assessment, alignment principles, ideal function, habits, and environment.
- Printables and cheat sheets to help you track progress and remember key points
Mini movement class recordings to practice what you are learning
1 month subscription to The Thriving Body On Demand Library (to use after you "graduate" from the program)
- Easy access to your classroom via desktop computer or Kajabi app
- discounts on private sessions
- Lifetime access / Start anytime
Total Investment $150
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m in pain and always worried about starting a new movement practice, how is this different?
This program is meant to work with your pain, compression, and tension patterns and help you understand it better and unwind it. Most people that find their way to this program are dealing with some sort of pain- low back pain (chronic or occasional), mid back pain or tension, neck and shoulder pain (chronic or occaisional), tight hip flexors, knee pain, foot issues (plantar fascitis, neuromas, bunions). Most of the time all of these common issues are directly related to how you are moving (or not moving), your alignment, and your favorite compensation patterns. This is a great program to bring all of that to and finally commit to a better way. We will travel through ideal movements, movement vitamins, and alignment for each area of the body that tends to give us trouble- feet, knees, hips/pelvis, spine/back, core/pelvic floor, breath, and neck and shoulders. You’ll leave with a greater understanding of what each area needs for ideal function, where your trouble spots are (not always where the pain is!), and what you can be doing to continue heading towards ideal function and out of pain, compression and wear and tear.
I’ve been taking MELT how is this different?
While I LOVE the MELT work and we will still use and review those tools as part of our work to repattern and release, the big difference with this program is that we will also be adding more of the Restorative Exercise piece. Restorative Exercise speaks to your alignment, your environment and how you move or don’t move everyday (not just during “exercise time”). The alignment piece and how you stand, sit and carry yourself as well as how you move, and work, and breathe everyday makes all the difference when we are looking for more real and sustainable change. We will also learn more about how to “stack your life” and fit the movement your body needs in with the business of everyday life. So instead of only learning corrective exercises - we also learn how to take that information and work it easily into real everyday life so it starts to infiltrate EVERYTHING - this is where real transformation happens.
I’m so busy, what’s the time commitment for this?
The learning videos in each module may take an average of 30min or less to get through. Most of the “work” or movement will be little things we’ll find a place in your day coupled with something else that doesn’t take “extra” time. In addition to that you’ll want to play with short sweet home practice videos or audio (10-23min) that will support the unraveling, releasing, and repatterining process. So really I’m asking for 10-20min a day. Another huge lesson that we will learn is that you can actually start to be MORE productive and focused by integrating some of this work into your life, which can lead to feeling less overwhelmed all the time. When we make the time to reconnect and find space in our bodies, you will find space opening up in your life. And for those of you busy because of kids and work… much of this can be done with kids around.
I’m not motivated to move and I’m always worried I’m doing something wrong.
One on one sessions with me are great to address this issue. While this program doesn't come with a private session, we can always add one on later. We can troubleshoot anything and everything you bring to the table from coaching and mindset and behavior change to specific pain problems. AND the best part is, if you have gone through the course on your own, you already have the basics down and we can jump straight to the good stuff and get so much more done in even one session.
How is this all even possible? I’ve been in pain forever, or I’ve tried PT, why is this different?
Most joint pain is coming from compression, inflammation, and wear and tear patterns in your body. Most of this is caused be simple compensation patterns you have picked up over the years - whether from old injuries, childbirth, phone and computer use, emotions, stress, or even your environment and habits of moving or not moving. These are the patterns that are easy to first recognize, then start to shift one step at a time, getting out of compensation patterns, releasing what you don’t need, rebuilding deep strength and stability, and reconnecting to your body. This is no bandaid, it’s learning a completely new way to exist in your body. This work takes into account ALL of you and how you exist most of the time to reduce and eventually eliminate the compression patterns that cause the pain. It is not “fixing” you, but it is teaching you tools and ways to understand and begin to change the constant pressures you may be putting on your body day in and day out.
What if I’m not in pain? I don’t have pain, but I just feel disconnected and tight and I know there has to be a better way. Can Alignment & Movement Makeover help me?
Yes! This is all about reconnection and finding a better way. The goal is to get you to a place where movement has easy places in your life. You feel connected and embodied and fully alive and ready to take on the activities you love most from a whole new place. You will feel more confident and ready for what’s next.

Not sure if ALIGN is best for you?
If you're unsure whether ALIGN is the best program for you, or you're wondering if another program from The Thriving Body might be a better fit, let's schedule a complimentary 20 minute phone consultation and talk it through!
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