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MOVE: your body and emotions to get unstuck

CONNECT: with yourself and with others

WAKE UP: your energy and your day


... in 15min or less

"RISE has made me realize I can feel just as good in my body after 10-15 minutes of movement as I do with a full 30-45 minute traditional workout."

- Kathleen

"I was so surprised how awake and alive I could feel after a short burst of movement!"

- Amy

"RISE is so energizing, adds a beautiful spark to my whole day."

"hearing you say my name in the morning, knowing I had to get up now to join- it was making a significant difference in my days and i would wholeheartedly sign up again!"


"It is amazing that my body can feel so good, strong, and capable, despite being stuck inside for months especially through such a stressful and anxious time. RISE has been a tether and a lifeline through a really tough time."


"Rise is magic. it's got amazing spooky presence and power. I never don't turn on a recording and find exactly what I need in music and in movement."


"In what world am I sweating my butt off first thing in the morning, in my pajamas, laughing out loud, feeling free, feeling alive? In Zoe's world! RISE is one beautiful thing to emerge from the carnage of 2020."

"When I do RISE, I feel like I’m getting all the major food groups in 15 minutes. Flexibility, strength, agility, cardio, creativity and breath. I say all the major food groups but I really do feel complete when I use all the muscles and bones, my entire structure really, inside and out in RISE. It’s the stuff you can’t get to during a regular day. They say breakfast is the most important part of the day, I think RISE is right up there too!"



What if putting your whole self first didn’t require a ton of extra time, fancy equipment, guilt, or a ton of space?






What if you started your day with YOU fully embodied and alive?

How would you start showing up differently?


Join the RISE Collective Community

Through play, dance, and guided movement adventures

  • Learn about your body

  • Foster a new relationship with "exercise"

  • MOVE!

  • Get unstuck

  • Feel free and powerful

  • Put yourself first for a change


You’ll discover ways of moving that truly suit YOU…

Even if you are working your way back from pain and injury, don't have time, or don't "dance".

This is about enjoying what you CAN do right now and inviting things back as they are ready. No rush.





Who is the RISE Collective for?

Maybe you have been looking for a new morning ritual.

Maybe you are curious what would happen if you had the chance to put your whole self first. 

Maybe you've been feeling heavy, stuck, stiff, or disconnected.

Maybe you have also been through a major transition after injury, surgery, birth, or cancer treatment.

You KNOW you are too young to feel this damn old!

Perhaps your intentions to "exercise" don't stick because it feels empty and lonely. 

You are excited about the possibility of adding spark and connection to your day.

You are excited that there may be a gentle path forward into this new season or new year with guidance and support.


Can't believe a few minutes each morning can do all that?

Here's what a few RISERS had to say after the first round...


RISE is not a method. It’s a MOVEMENT.

RISE is a consistent way to experience kindness in/with/toward your body.

RISE is short, sweet, meaningful movement breaks that make a HUGE difference in EVERY other aspect of your life (without taking a lot of time.)

RISE is a unique movement practice that includes your WHOLE body and WHOLE being

RISE is about leading with curiosity and be open to new ways to exist in and with your own body.

It’s a set of guiding principles on how to relate to our bodies and interact with the world.

It's a community moving, learning, and growing together.

Your RISE Collective Membership includes:

  • Daily 10-15min LIVE (and recorded) guided morning movement adventures with music M-F (7:30am Mountain/ 9:30am Eastern- NYC). 
  • Access to the full Thriving Body On Demand Library full of 10-30 minute "on the mat" classes to support and enhance your morning dancing - workout, stretch, strengthen, and create space 
  • Access to your own personal membership page with recordings of every LIVE RISE session
  • Optional app for on-the-go access (Kajabi)
  • Shared Spotify playlist
  • A community forum to share ideas and support each other 
  • Several payment options and the ability to cancel at any time. 

What to expect

  • Each day starts in community (live or recorded) with questions to explore or a movement idea or prompt to play with (with music!) in 15 min or less.

  • Use the "on the mat" video library as another short movement break in your day as you see fit. These mini classes will involve a little more organized step by step instruction to help build up more movement possibilities and grow your range and ability of movement vitamins. 

  • With both options you can mix and match to find the best time and space for movement breaks for YOU!


About your guide

Zoe Levine has been a dancer most of her life and movement educator for over 2 decades. She has been greatly influenced by a lifetime of dancing and play with many movement and dance forms including many Modern and Contemporary styles, 5 Rhythms, Gaga, improv, Qoya, breathwork, Authentic Movement, and Somatic Experiencing ideas. Her practice is informed by her work as a professional dancer, mama, Advanced MELT Method instructor, and Restorative Exercise Specialist through Katy Bowman and Nutritious Movement(TM). She has been leading daily dance sessions for the growing RISE community since January of 2020 and is the creator of several guided online programs including an Alignment & Movement Makeover and Strong As A Mother.

RISE rose out of the ashes when her own experience of dancing everyday helped heal mind, body, and spirit, after a Stage 4 Cancer diagnosis and a year of intense cancer treatment. 

Meet Your RISE Guides

Gather & RISE 14 Day Exploration of Possibility


Experience the RISE Collective for yourself for 14 days.

(no credit card needed!)


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Monthly Membership Options

Choose the price option that allows you to best commit to yourself and this new practice. You may cancel (or change) your subscription at any time.



I'm all in and ready to go!

  • M-F daily dance live and recorded
  • FREE access to extra guest workshops
  • discounts for Beyond Exercise workshops
Start My Membership



This is a stretch for me right now, but I see the value and want to make this commitment to myself.

  • M-F daily dance live and recorded
  • FREE access to extra guest workshops
  • discounts for Beyond Exercise workshops
Start My Membership



Thank you for making this doable despite current financial challenges. 

I'm happy to pay per use for any extra workshops. 

Start My Membership

Special Guests lead new experiences each new moon

August 29th and 30th

Gateless Writing with Becky Karush


About this Workshop--

In these sessions, we'll use the Gateless Writing guidelines to write freely and discover our power as writers. We start with a short meditation, a writing prompt, and writing time. Then we take turns reading aloud excerpts from this brand-new writing, and reflecting back to the writer what we love about it. Brief but potent, Gateless Writing helps us feel freedom and playfulness on the page, which is always so happy to be with us.

About Becky

Becky Karush is the founder of READ TO ME Literary Arts, where writers learn to dazzle us and themselves with fresh, brilliant writing. Through writing salons, coaching, the READ TO ME podcast, and more, we step over the cult of the critic, help you step into your innate talent, and support you with tools for a lifelong writing practice. We know you can write amazing things, and so you do.

Becky is a certified teacher of the Gateless Writing method. She graduated from Wesleyan University (B.A.) and Emerson College (M.A.), and she has worked as a teacher, farmer, journalist, Disney magazine editor, summer camp counselor, and copywriter. She lives in southwestern New Hampshire with her family and cat.


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Upcoming New Moon Guests

More Coming Soon!

What's getting in your way?

I don't have time.

I see you. Of course you don't have time to exercise. It's because movement has been completely separated from everything else. You don't have time for an hour of exercise everyday. Great, what if it didn't actually take much extra time? What if 10-15minutes could drastically change how you feel and inspire more natural movement for the rest of the day? The trick is to find ways to move more in your daily life. 

The "all or nothing" trap

Have you ever made the decision NOT to exercise because you didn't have time for the "FULL" experience (the whole yoga class, the 5 mile run, the big gym sesh). It's the idea that it's not even worth it to move if you can't do it all the way. All the current research is showing that smaller bouts of movement throughout the day can be more beneficial than the long bursts only every once in a while. Go easy on yourself and ditch the all or nothing approach. I promise there is a whole new world on the other side!

I can't move well enough

That's ok. I've been there. Chemotherapy, 4 surgeries, and radiation (not to mention 2 births), I've had my fair share of "I can't move well" time. RISE is all about using what you CAN do and expanding those edges slowly and at your own pace. Let's forget about the CAN'Ts and focus on the CANs. 

I won't stick with it.

Perhaps... Or perhaps this will be more fun and interesting than all that other "exercise" you have tried. Perhaps you and your accountability partner will find a new spark together. 

I'm fine.

Consider this a love note from your body, saying "we are ready to be better than just ok!". 

RISE with us!

Frequently Asked Questions

I’d venture to say, yes… Hear me out. There are 2 things that make this at all “dance” related. #1 we are moving to music. #2 we are relearning how to move according to our own pleasure, wants, whims, and curiosities (rather than following a particular form - like “lunges” or down dog etc.). If that sounds horrible, then sure, this isn’t for you… but please don’t let a little word like “dance” scare you. 

Yes. As I mentioned above, I have used this kind of work to come back from every debilitating round of chemotherapy, and more recently while healing an extremely sprained ankle. There might be some ideas or explorations or movement vitamins that just don’t work for you. That’s totally fine. The idea is to get more used to finding your own ways to move and to embrace and explore what you CAN do. I’m just here to give you some ideas and possibilities that you may have given up or forgotten and help you either find your way back, or find a new way. You will always be 100% in charge and you can follow me for ideas or do whatever you need whenever you need it (that’s kind of the whole point!).

First of all, you don’t have to do it in the morning. I think it’s always worth experimenting with what time works best for you. If you’ve never had some time to yourself in the morning in this way, I might argue it’s worth giving it a try. It is my hope that having a community to play with and having something fun and exploring and satisfying to look forward to, that things may shift along the way… OR you’ll find what does work best for YOU.

Yes! While we will be live on Zoom every morning at our appointed time, the recordings will be posted up in our group membership site for you to watch, play with, and comment on any time. I highly recommend choosing the best time for you and trying to keep that consistent- you can even experiment with a version that works for you on the weekend.

Of course! The more the merrier! Bring in the people that you will want to engage with about your experiment and who might help you keep it up long after our time together is over.

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